So Trump won. Prior to his “victory,” he was ranting and raving about the election fraud that was running rampant. The second he won, it was a fair election. Amazing how that works.
Meanwhile, the Democrats have turned into prophets of doom. They’re articulating every horrible thing that Trump has done, and what else he wants to do to turn America into an oligarchy run by and for the wealthy.
Here’s my question: Is this the best the Democrats can do?
Nobody thought Biden was up to a second term. And, honestly, Kamala Harris wasn’t the best and brightest the Democrats had to offer. Knowing all of this, we Dems did nothing to stop it. Instead, we ran a campaign of ideas, of virtue, and of values. And we lost. Bigly.
If we’ve learned nothing over the last 8 years, it’s that the Maga-maniacs will use every trick in the book (and a few that aren’t published) to get what they want. They fight dirty. They’re the ones that’ll check the oil and then deny doing it. When they go low, we go high, and they go even lower.
Clearly our high-minded ideals and Queensbury rules don’t get the job done. So why keep running the same tired plays? When will the Democrats toughen up and realize that they need to play at the same level as Republicans in order to “save our country” and make it great again?
Many of my friends on social media jump to point out every time Trump does something horrible. Look, they say, bear witness to this atrocity. Get angry! It’s tired, and it’s only been one week since the inauguration.
Trump ran for office to keep himself out of jail. He also ran because he stands to make a ton of money through the perks of his position. His presidency, while already somewhat of a shit-show, is going to get worse.
If I were running the party, Democrats would be on the ground in every district, broadcasting to anyone who’d listen that the common man is about to get trampled on. Hakeem and company would be putting up legislation to save the middle class and reaching out to that great silent majority who don’t realize they’re getting screwed with their pants on. And they’d be looking right now for the next party savior and getting him/her in front of anyone that’ll listen.
Or we can just sit back and post on Facebook about what a jerk Trump is — like we didn’t know that already. We’re mad as hell, and we’re taking it. That’s not how this is supposed to work.