Marketing. Music. Occasional Wisdom.


Good people

Last year, my company (D.I.-Why) sponsored the New Music Seminar. It was our first sponsorship ever as a company, and we were a bit nervous about what could happen. Having worked in multiple marketing departments over the years, it’s far more fun to spend money when it’s not actually yours. But when it’s your company, and your money, you toss dimes around like they’re...


I held off on writing a SXSW post because everybody else is. Who wants to be a sheep, right? When March rolls around, every musician and music industry hack starts frothing at the mouth. SXSW is a big ol’ schmoozefest accompanied by bbq. All things considered, it’s right up my professional alley. I’ve attended SXSW a bunch of times in the past as a rep from whatever company I...

See that little button up there?

Here’s the deal – short and sweet. The Hector Fund is shooting for a panel at SXSW. You can vote for us! All’s you gotta do is click the little button, give ’em your email address*, and give The Hector Fund a thumbs up! All the cool people are voting for us… Please do this. It’s important. We’ll love you long time. *Cranky about giving out your email... Marketing. Music. Occasional Wisdom.


Song of the Day