Lately we’ve gotten a ton of calls from potential clients wanting to work with us. And there’s nothing we love more than clients who want to pay us tons of money. Unfortunately, client expectations often exceed things like … reality. Here’s an example: Client calls in, says they need to make more money from their music. I ask them to send along links to their website...
5 Words to Build a Career On
Looking back, I don't think I said much of anything for the first 6 months I was working in radio. But I absorbed everything. Over time I learned how to be persuasive without being a bully. I learned when the end result often meant sacrificing what you thought (at the time) was totally essential.
The hardest lesson was learning to let others do their job so you can do yours.
You are what you …
I’ve been watching a few scenarios unfold from the sidelines. Without being directly involved, it’s fascinating to sit back and watch people tick. In particular, I’m amazed to see how people present themselves. Quite often, they have no idea what they’re saying, what messages they send, or how those messages are perceived. The biggest lead-in to this entire scenario is...