Marketing. Music. Occasional Wisdom.


What if Gene Simmons was right?

Here in the new music industry, the paradigm is shifting. There's a clear lack of synergy between the next-gen music makers and the major label gatekeepers. As a result, there's a clear lack of revenue caused by and resulting from illegal file-sharing by the disenfranchised youth movement. While some may claim a certain Luddite pretense by those in control of the industry, it's easier to claim...

Desperation time…?

To paraphrase Mr Lennon, “I’m sick and tired of hearing things/From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocritics/All I want is the truth…” There are SO many companies trying to “help” musicians today, that’s just sickening. When you did a little deeper into all of their business models, they’re ultimately trying to make money for themselves...

Marketing. Music. Occasional Wisdom.


Song of the Day