Marketing. Music. Occasional Wisdom.


What if Gene Simmons was right?

Here in the new music industry, the paradigm is shifting. There's a clear lack of synergy between the next-gen music makers and the major label gatekeepers. As a result, there's a clear lack of revenue caused by and resulting from illegal file-sharing by the disenfranchised youth movement. While some may claim a certain Luddite pretense by those in control of the industry, it's easier to claim...

If everyone knows the answer, why is the music industry (still) broken?

Everyone reaches their own version of a breaking point. It’s the moment when the incalculable doom of your current situation demands you to do something. Divorce attorneys are experts at exploiting that point in marriages, and music bloggers (you know who you are!) are very quick to point this phenomenon out as the music industry lurches toward its seemingly self-inflicted, horrible demise...

Wow! A good idea …

In my haste to race back into town yesterday, I didn’t notice the yellow “you need gas” light until it became a blinking yellow “you need gas NOW” light.” Looking for the nearest gas station, I came across something new to me: Stop ‘n’ Shop gas. The same place that’ll provide your groceries has apparently stepped into the gas biz. I was...

Marketing. Music. Occasional Wisdom.


Song of the Day