Marketing. Music. Occasional Wisdom.


Sometimes the bear eats you…

Working in the music industry is kind of like living through a Homerian epic. There are heroes and enemies and epithets a-plenty. You also get introduced to the mighty beast known as hubris.  You know the type:  brash CEO who boasts on and on and on about how their service will revolutionize the industry.  There’s also the musician who assumes that their talent is obvious to everyone and...

You are what you …

I’ve been watching a few scenarios unfold from the sidelines. Without being directly involved, it’s fascinating to sit back and watch people tick. In particular, I’m amazed to see how people present themselves. Quite often, they have no idea what they’re saying, what messages they send, or how those messages are perceived. The biggest lead-in to this entire scenario is...

Marketing. Music. Occasional Wisdom.


Song of the Day