Marketing. Music. Occasional Wisdom.

TagBarack Obama

Republicans make better marketers.

I don’t like discussing politics. Usually it’s because I’m totally right, and the other person is an absolute moron. But seriously folks… The more I watch the news, I see all these ridiculous Repubican-type “Tea Partiers” bitching and moaning about how the Democrats are on some incredulous vendetta against everything moral and decent. They’re gonna let...

The Fine Art of Pissing People Off

It has always amazed me that the “squeaky wheel gets the grease.” And while there are quieter, more deserving people in need of help or praise, there may in fact be more to gain by squeaking your wheel. That being said, I wonder if pissing people off is actually the better vehicle for success. I once worked with a CEO whom everyone (without exception!) despised. In virtually every...

Liberace and the election

Most of what I blog about pertains to the music industry, and how I interact with it. Over the last few days, with the election at the forefront of everything, I started to realize that where I interact with most things has virtuallly nothing in common with most of America. Years ago, on a cross-country roadtrip, I pulled off in places like Oklahoma City, and I felt like a complete foreigner...

The slippery sliding slope of personal decency

As cool and hip as I claim to be, at core I’m still a geeky political nerd. I follow the elections, make damn sure I vote, and I even pay attention to state and local races. I love having a voice, and I truly believe that my vote counts. Lately though, negative campaigning, baseless posturing, and hateful attacks are becoming the norm. What absolutely fries me though is that the general...

Marketing. Music. Occasional Wisdom.


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