Marketing. Music. Occasional Wisdom.

Cuba si!


Every now and then you see a brilliant piece of marketing. It gives one pause, and makes you wonder – why didn’t I think of that!? Here is such a piece…

Now that we’ve elected Barack Obama, and Fidel Castro is slowly fossilizing, there’s all kinds of speculation as to when the infamous trade embargo will be lifted, and Americans can spend their hard earned dollars o’er in that Communist playground known as Cuba.

Cuba!In fact, there’s a lovely petition you can sign telling our fearless leader that the time has come. The petition, found at , encourages you to support the cause and tell those in power to end the restrictions. When you sign the petition, you get a $100 discount on that first trip to Cuba if and when it happens — courtesy of your good friends at Orbitz! Incidentally, by the time the US and Cuba are friendly, how many people are gonna remember they’ve got that $100 break and actually use it? ROI for Orbitz will be through el roofo…

The folks at Orbitz built, own, and run the whole site which essentially amounts to nothing more than a brilliant lead-gen program. They’ll be contacting the President and all that, but they’re also including a link to jump on their email list, receive their info, and dont’cha think that’s the real goal here? But it’s done in such a subtle, free-the-people kind of way.

Smart. Very smart.

About the author

By Scott
Marketing. Music. Occasional Wisdom.


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