Anytime you give a track away, people should be buying it -- and the currency of choice is an email address. Second to that, let them pay with a tweet, by becoming a Facebook fan, or creating a post about your music. Any of those currencies may actually be more valuable than the 99 cents they may (or may not!) want to spend.
I bought new music.
Beware! Beware! The Ides of March are upon us …
…and they’re singing “Vehicle”
The best-est part of working in radio was being able to play amazingly topical music. Specifically, March 15th meant the one time we got to play “Vehicle” by the Ides of March. A personal favorite tune, it’s a total one-hit wonder doomed to obscurity 364 days out of the year.
But not today!
I speak English good
In the process of creating some marketing collateral, I received the following piece of advice: “Don’t let grammar stand in your way.” I understand the concept — saying what you want is often more important than saying it correctly. But have we, as an industry/culture/populace gotten to the point where we’ve actually forgotten how to communicate? I think we have. And...
Food for thought – from your friends at the RIAA…
Online Promotion 101
I spent a good portion of last week delivering guest lectures to the “Creative Promotion in New Media” classes at Berklee. For the class, I offered up some slides which helped explain both what marketing is about along with a few examples of sites that were good, bad, or at least illustrative of the necessary understandings. Ultimately it came down to 5 major considerations. Here they...
Educating tomorrow’s music biz…
Legal Music on the Net: Seriously?!?
So you’re thinking: What does Scott want for his birthday?
I’m so glad you’re planning ahead. You see, lots of people tend to wait ’til the last minute. And at that point, I end up getting coffee mugs and gift cards. Not that those aren’t nice, mind you, but they’re not all that inspired. Instead, I’ll make it nice ‘n’ easy for you all. Possibly planned to coincide with my annual birthday celebration (which...
Making Internet Radio Work …
Internet-only broadcasters will soon be on equal footing with their FM brethren. In order to be successful, the quality of what's being broadcast on the Internet needs to equal or exceed what the big guys are coming up with. Here then, from my experience, 10 Commandments for successful Internet broadcasting...