Marketing. Music. Occasional Wisdom.

Brainless Marketing 101


So, previously I talked about respecting your users. In essence, the bombardment of advertising messages, and overall noise on the web is astounding. Again, while everything thinks they’re a genius, and entitled to share their musings with you, only a few of us truly are. And yes, I sense the irony in my previous statement.

That being said, I had an interesting occurrence this weekend. Saturday morning, in a pre-coffee haze, I watched a show on Planet Green. Hosted by Steve Thomas, “Renovation Nation” looks at the conversion process from old, environmentally non-friendly structures into eco-friendly, green spaces. This particular episode focussed on a project being done in Chelsea, Massachusetts. They were converting an old factory building into lofts — including building a wind turbine to generate electricity and a 7,000 square foot rooftop hydroponic garden. Cool indeed!

I found the building’s website, noticed that they had Open Houses on Sunday, and I RSVP’ed to say I was coming — even though it said that the RSVP was unnecessary AND that it was by appointment only. Confusing, and incorrect, but hey … I RSVP’ed, right? The site hadn’t been updated in a while, but it did list timelines for progress that stretched into the present. So I took a chance.

The next day, at the appointed hour, I get to a chained off road and security guard who says that the project stalled LAST YEAR, and it’s only half done. The developer walked away from the project and everything associated with it — including the website!

I’m not assuming that millions of people were watching the tv show, but there had to be at least a couple of curious folks like me. So, after a YEAR of non-progress, couldn’t someone take down the website, or at least add a message? And why wouldn’t someone mention to the folks at Renovation Nation that the project stalled?

The lesson here, amongst others, is that a website is a living, breathing document which is accessible to anyone and at any time. If you dare hang your shingle outside your virtual office, prepare yourself for the responsibility of maintaing it. Otherwise you’re simply polluting the web.

And that’s not very green, is it?

About the author

By Scott
Marketing. Music. Occasional Wisdom.


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