Marketing. Music. Occasional Wisdom.


Evolving the model – Marketing 102

When I sit down with potential clients and companies, I almost never go in with a set agenda. It’s impossible to have a “one size fits all” style proposal or product. And I make a point, in that first meeting, to do more listening than talking. Let them tell you what they’re looking for so you can make the appropriate pitch afterwards. This is hardly a new-fangled idea...

Navigating the two way street

I just got off the phone with a recruiter. His client is looking for a Director of Marketing who understands SMO. His test, in determining whose candidacy deserves to move forward, is to simply ask them to explain what SMO is. This is hardly a revolutionary technique, but what’s interesting is how people break out the ten cent words to explain two cent ideas. The underlying challenge, which...

I’m just looking for the bridge…

I’m not sure why I find this so amusing, but …. For those of you interested in playing “The Crunge” by Led Zeppelin, here’s how to count it out (courtesy of our friends at Wikipedia, so you know it’s true …heh…) Intro measure: 1 x 9/8 Part 1: 7 x 9/8 (or 4/8 + 5/8) 1 x 8/8 (or 4/8 + 4/8) Part 2: 3 x 4/4 1 x 5/8 1 x 2/4 3 x 4/4 1 x 5/8 1 x 2/4 3 x...

Access. That’s all. Nothing else.

Normally, I don’t like to spotlight my own projects on here. In a way, tooting my own horn seems to obliterate any sense of credibility gained. That being said, I watched The Hector Fund in action. And I feel some toot-age is in order. For those unaware, The Hector Fund provides select musicians with Artistfunding opportunities. Translation: we help musicians earn cash to do what they...

If the Jews wrote the hits …

Here’re a few thoughts on classic rock tunes if they had (truly) been written by my brethren – the Chosen People: 1. Dirty Deeds Done for a Very Reasonable Price – AC/DC 2. Stairway to Brisket – Led Zeppelin 3. Twist and Kvetch – The Beatles 4. I Can’t Help Myself (Sugar Pie, Honey Cake) – The Four Tops 5. Stayin’ Alive (Thanks to My Son the Doctor)...

The end of an error … never challenge the listeners.

No less than 8 different people called to let me know that WBCN was going off the air. In a move calculated on a P&L sheet and nowhere else, one of Rock’s flagship stations (41 years of broadcasting …) has been running essentially on fumes for the last 5 years, and since it’s hard to sell advertising on stations with no listeners, something had to be done. I get that. Radio...

Tales from the Naked City – A cautionary tale…

I keep tabs on former consulting clients. It’s always valuable to know what folks’re up to, how they’re doing, and if there’s the possibility for future advice or work. In a previous entry, “The Good Guy Network,” I outlined how/why good people help each other, and why those less desirable, shady characters tend to fade away. I reread the post, and decided to...

Bye bye Karl: A small diversion…

Karl Malden died. He was 97. Capping a string of celebrity and “celebrity” deaths, his probably won’t go as noticed as others. But he reminded me, in an instant, of a catchphrase which has become totally ubiquitous in American culture: Karl Malden was an extremely talented actor. He won an Academy Award, starred in movies like “On the Waterfront” and ”...

Marketing. Music. Occasional Wisdom.


Song of the Day