Marketing. Music. Occasional Wisdom.


What price for loyalty?

Just days after my 21st birthday, I found out that I’d be starting an internship in radio. And along with learning a lot of outdated skills (does anyone broadcast/record/edit on 1/4 inch tape?), I learned one that has continually served me well: loyalty. So many of my friends jump from job to job, searching out huge paychecks, and essentially selling their souls in the name of simply moving...

Beware the Guru

I’ve worked with multiple startups. They’re exciting, and the potential for growth, opportunity, and massive fame and fortune is always dangling right in front of you and (usually…) just out of reach. Success, therefore, becomes infinitely more meaningful, and helps keep the ego fully fed. Good stuff, indeed. In this startup environment, the one role that always perturbed me is...

RockGeek Fact of the Day #795

David Lee Roth is one of the few men in his family that isn’t a doctor. Roth’s uncle Dave is a brain surgeon, and his uncle Marty is an orthopedic surgeon. Diamond Dave’s grandfather who was a surgeon. And later on, for a brief time in the late ’90s, Dave was an EMT in NYC.
Rumor has it he also did morning radio…


In retrospect, not working for WBCN is a huge regret. That’s not to say I turned down the opportunity (who would?), but a variety of twists and turns, ended up with me starting at WZLX 3 days after my 21st birthday. That internship turned into a job, and that job turned into a career. No need to drone on about that — fascinating as it is. Instead, and in his odd, yet infinite wisdom...

U.S. Radio Revenue for 2008: $16.7 Billion, down 8.5%

Reprinted from Managers might be forgiven for leaping at the smallest good news, but the phrase “slight recovery” jumps out of the latest revenue forecast for the U.S. commercial radio business. More immediately, the research company found that small and mid-size markets continue to perform better than larger ones and that “income from digital sources is quickly proving itself...

If “A” is for Allah, is “S” for sellout?

The public is a fickle lover. One minute, it’s a blissful romance, and in the next you’re a loathed, lambasted lothario clamoring for acceptance from those who understand you. Alliteration aside, the public has the power to make or break you. They buy your music, come to your shows, and think that deep down, you understand them. You wrote that song for them. Only you can mend their...

If everyone knows the answer, why is the music industry (still) broken?

Everyone reaches their own version of a breaking point. It’s the moment when the incalculable doom of your current situation demands you to do something. Divorce attorneys are experts at exploiting that point in marriages, and music bloggers (you know who you are!) are very quick to point this phenomenon out as the music industry lurches toward its seemingly self-inflicted, horrible demise...

Want A Corporate Social Media Job? Demonstrate These Three Essential Qualities

Today, for the first time ever, we have a guest post. It’s exciting, innovative, and much easier than writing my own post. Anyway … today’s guest blogger is web strategist Jeremiah Owyang.  Smart guy, very smart guy …after you’re done reading my stuff, feel free to read his! Jeremiah writes: Hiring managers, recruiters, and management staff are often confused on...

But is it any good?

A friend of mine writes a blog on his area of expertise. He writes a lot, and is (perhaps) better than I am in SEO and SMO practices. In fact, he’s making a pretty solid living simply through his sites, blogs, and activities. Another friend writes a blog that’s specific to his/her industry, and most likely full of valuable industry knowledge based upon years of experience. My problem:... Marketing. Music. Occasional Wisdom.


Song of the Day