Marketing. Music. Occasional Wisdom.


Breaking the 11th Commandment

As I watch my partners and competitors engage in battles of marketing will, I’m amused by the way they turn the super strategic, high level actions into their own raison d’etre. The belief seems to be that creating these massive partnerships, awesome viral campaigns, and strategic alliances will help you even when your basic product is horribly flawed. I’m thinking we need Moses...

I was there. Were you?

It was great taking a little breather for Thanksgiving. The day to day monotony of work and stress and daily life becomes wonderfully ameliorated (there’s a word…) simply by stepping back and relaxing. During this little exile, I became enchanted by The concept is simple, and yet oddly addicting: list out the concerts you were at or plan to go to. I dug out an old rubber...

RockGeek Fact of the Day #4325

Queen frontman Freddie Mercury died on this day in 1991. :: sigh :: One of their lesser known (but incredible) songs “Dragon Attack” features a melody eerily similar to another better known track, “We Will Rock You.” Most of the track evolved out of a drunken jam session the band had at the studio. Brian May then added lyrics and melody, the latter being surprisingly...

Yes, but what’s your point?

In the wide, wide world of marketing, there’re all kinds of opinions being tossed around. And everyone is an expert.  I’ve noticed that the folks with the least to say consistently spend the most time saying it. Beyond the point of mere pontification, they can go on at endless lengths to prove their point. Unfortunately, by the time they arrive at their great epiphany, no one’s...

They say, right?

Sometimes I wonder if I read too much stuff. Quite often I’ll hear something cool, but it’s gone 5 minutes later. And instead I end up saying things like “I read somewhere that … ” or “They say … ” Honestly, I despise they say. As a marketing mind, I construct actions derived from statistics and trends. “They say…” is competely...

Banned Words and Phrases, vol. 1

Words are powerful; they connote feelings, opinions, and facts. The right word, at the right time, can do so much. Unfortuntely, there are multiple phrases which have become far too ubiquitous in our daily discourse, and they deserve to be banned. Here’re my least favorite. Maybe you have your own? Off the hook. As in, “that party was off the hook … ” Really? When’s...

Happy Veterans Day from Phil Ochs

“I’ll do for you now, for you nice people here, a protest song. A protest song is defined as something, as a song you don’t hear on the radio. And they’ll say you don’t hear it on the radio ‘cuz the guy can’t sing, or cuz the words are no good, ‘cuz they play the shit that they play these days…” –Phil Ochs

Marketing. Music. Occasional Wisdom.


Song of the Day