Marketing. Music. Occasional Wisdom.

Desperation time…?


To paraphrase Mr Lennon, “I’m sick and tired of hearing things/From uptight, short-sighted, narrow-minded hypocritics/All I want is the truth…”

There are SO many companies trying to “help” musicians today, that’s just sickening. When you did a little deeper into all of their business models, they’re ultimately trying to make money for themselves first and musicians second.

One company (and in the interest of not being sued) whose name I won’t mention insists that they can get you the gig of your dreams. Just sign up, pay $5 per month, plus a submission fee. So what happens? A buncha shitty bands sign up, pay their money, and don’t get the gigs. Why? ‘Cuz they suck. Shouldn’t someone tell most of these artists that they just need to go off, practice, and be (at least somewhat) good before unleashing their assumed virtuosity on the world? Incidentally, this is the same company that makes money by splitting those submission fees with the various venues/festivals. In this scenario, the artist pays, but everyone else wins.

How ’bout the company that won’t touch a penny of your sales, gets your music to ITunes, and remarks about how simple it all is to do? Well, they’re right. They don’t touch your sales profits, if you’re lucky enough to have any. However – it’s gonna cost me about $30 before I sell a single track. So no matter what happens, these guys get me for $30. And I still haven’t made a penny yet …

The trick to making either of these scenarios work for you is simple: be good. Just ‘cuz you think you’re the next Jack White/Eddie Vedder/Lawrence Welk, doesn’t mean you are. Even if your mom/girlfriend/roommate thinks so. Practice your music, start small, work up, and don’t ever think that technology (and companies like these) want you to succeed.

They want success — theirs, not yours.

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1 comment

  • hmmm… which companies are you talking about here? haha

    This site design is slick BTW. Tell the designer he did a great job… I heard he did it in only 24 hours? 😉

By Scott
Marketing. Music. Occasional Wisdom.


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